Why Do I Have Flooding Issues in My Yard?
- Poorly Planned Landscape
One of the biggest reasons your lawn remains wet is poorly planned landscaping. When you plan to change your landscape and add additional fixtures like sheds, pools, or patios, it is important to consider how the irrigation of your yard will be affected. Homeowners who landscape their yard themselves find out later those things can cause standing water in their yard. Consider the amount of soil and vegetation you plan on moving or adding. The less soil and vegetation you have, the more water you will get. Vegetation and soil soak up moisture into the ground, and when you remove those factors, the water doesn’t have anywhere else to go. You can add irrigation systems to help properly drain water and help eliminate standing water but still allow you to add new fixtures to your yard.
- Low Areas Gather Accurate Water
Thanks to gravity, small and large ponds, lakes, and creeks tend to be at the bottom of a hill. Water will naturally drain to the lowest areas in your yard. Many people will build man-made ponds at the lowest part of their property to help drain water. If you don’t like the idea of having a body of water, you can avoid standing water by building up the low areas of your yard. You need dirt and gravel to make your yard level and eliminate water from pooling in certain areas.
- Blocked Drains or Irrigation Systems
Many yards have pre-built irrigation systems installed. Whether there’s a drain that helps water travel away from your house or ditches to help irrigate water, take the time to inspect if your property has an irrigation system already in place. Even with an irrigation system, if you are experiencing stand water in your yard, it could be due to a blocked irrigation drain. The cause of a blocked drain can be caused by grass clipping, sticks, trash from the road, and other debris. When clogged, the drain or system that would usually remove water from your lawn can be the cause of why water is gathering on the surface of your lawn. Simply remove the visible debris and use a special tool to extend down the pipe to remove the blockage.
- Your Soil is Retaining Moisture
Different soils retain different amounts of moisture. If your lawn has soil that has moisture-retaining properties, it makes it difficult for water to be absorbed into the ground. Clay soil is the leading suspect when it comes to standing water. One way you can help your soil become more absorbent to water is by adding sand and dirt under the soil. This will allow the water to move freely through the soil and be absorbed quickly instead of flooding your lawn.
- Lack of Vegetation
If your yard has little vegetation and large portions covered by asphalt or patios, the run-off can cause standing water in your yard. Plant vegetation to help get rid of standing water on your property, especially around areas that don’t already have it. Plants need water to survive and will absorb water into the soil. You can landscape your patio with vegetation or remove gravel areas to plant grass.
- Too Much Shade
If your yard is covered in shade most of the day, it can cause moisture to stay on your grass for longer periods. Large trees in your backyard can block the lawn from receiving sun and evaporate the moisture. This can cause problems because lawns that tend to hold moisture are an easy place to breed different lawn fungi and diseases. If your yard is shaded, morning dew will stay there, making it difficult to mow your lawn. Trim branches on your trees to allow more sunlight on your lawn. This will help dry the wet grass and give grass direct sunlight to grow healthier.
Water damage can be a difficult problem to fix after the damage has been done to your home and yard. We hope these yard drainage solutions will help you prevent flooding in your backyard before damage can occur in your home. If you experience heavy flooding in your yard, Garret’s Landscape & Grading can help properly drain your lawn and maintain a healthy look. Contact us for more information about land grading for irrigation and how to improve your outdoor space.